
December 28, 2021 — Thomas & McElroy LLC formalizes open-source status of the MultiCapital Scorecard™ by placing it under the terms of a non-commercial Creative Commons License, free for internal use by any organization or municipality

July 29, 2021 — Intellectual Property Agency of the Government of Australia (IP Australia) grants trademark protection to Thomas & McElroy LLC for MultiCapital Scorecard™

May 28, 2021 — Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand grants trademark protection to Thomas & McElroy LLC for MultiCapital Scorecard™

December 29, 2020 — Canadian Intellectual Property Office grants trademark protection to Thomas & McElroy LLC for MultiCapital Scorecard™

April 10, 2020 — Report published on results of study by CSO and Ernst & Young in which the MultiCapital Scorecard was used to assess the state of national well-being as an alternative to GDP: Aggregate Capital Sufficiency (ACS) 

March 3, 2020 — European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) grants trademark protection to Thomas & McElroy LLC for MultiCapital Scorecard™

May 14, 2019 — MultiCapital Scorecard designated as a qualifying methodology in world’s first Triple Bottom Line certification program for organizations: Certified TBL Orgs

October 30, 2018 Griffith Foods CFO announces company’s enterprise-wide implementation of the MultiCapital Scorecard at New Metrics ’18 conference in Philadelphia

November 18, 2018 — United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) appoints Dr. McElroy to serve as special advisor on its 4-year Sustainable Development Impact Indicator (SDII) Project for organizations

March 24, 2017 — South Africa Registrar of Trade Marks grants trademark protection to Thomas & McElroy LLC for MultiCapital Scorecard™

March 14, 2017 — B Lab endorses MultiCapital Scorecard as 3rd-party standard for measuring and reporting the performance of B Corps

December 19, 2016 — IIRC CEO Paul Druckman endorses MultiCapital Scorecard (and book) for integrated reporting (<IR>)

December 5, 2016 — Thomas & McElroy LLC announces pilot implementation of MultiCapital Scorecard at Procter & Gamble subsidiary, New Chapter, Inc.

November 9, 2016 — Messrs. Thomas & McElroy book, The MultiCapital Scorecard, begins shipping

March 10, 2016 — Messrs. Thomas and McElroy sign book contract with Chelsea Green Publishing for The MultiCapital Scorecard

January 12, 2016 — MultiCapital Scorecard featured in Environmental Leader

December 10, 2015 — MultiCapital Scorecard featured in Harvard Business Review

November 12, 2015 — United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report endorses MultiCapital Scorecard

August 1, 2015 — Cabot Creamery Cooperative (Agri-Mark, Inc.) launches implementation of MultiCapital Scorecard

May 28, 2015 — Japan Patent Office (JPO) grants trademark protection to Thomas & McElroy LLC for MultiCapital Scorecard™

January 1, 2015 — Thomas & McElroy LLC open-sources the MultiCapital Scorecard for end-user applications

December 25, 2014 — World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) recognizes the MultiCapital Scorecard™ trademark under the international Madrid Agreement and Protocol

October 7, 2014 — U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) grants trademark protection for the MultiCapital Scorecard™

April 15, 2014 — Thomas & McElroy LLC contracts with Unilever subsidiary, Ben & Jerry’s, to conduct the world’s first pilot implementation of the MultiCapital Scorecard

February 20, 2014 — Thomas & McElroy LLC seeks international trademark protection for the MultiCapital Scorecard

October 15, 2013 — Thomas & McElroy LLC is founded as a domestic limited liability company in Vermont, USA